Vitamin C is a substance necessary for the normal growth and health of cells and tissues.

It is a micronutrient, i.e. a molecule required by the body in small quantities, but which is essential for its well-being.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to store it, being a water-soluble vitamin, because the excess daily amount is easily eliminated from our body through urine.

Vitamin C has multiple functions:

- counteracts the damage caused by free radicals, considered one of the main culprits in the cellular aging process.

- helps to absorb the iron present in foods, especially those of a vegetable nature.

It is necessary for the growth and repair of all body tissues.

- promotes the production of Collagen.

From which foods can we extrapolate this very important Vitamin?

Fruits such as currants, grapes, papayas, pineapples, strawberries, citrus fruits, melons, mangoes, raspberries, kiwis and blueberries.

Vegetables such as Peppers, Cabbage, Spinach and Leafy Greens, Tomatoes and Pumpkin.

It is important to remember that the fresher these foods are, the higher the level of Vitamin C present in them: recent studies have in fact demonstrated that, the longer the storage time of fruit and vegetables, the more the levels of Vitamin C present in these foods tend to to decrease. IS it has also been shown that even some types of cooking cause the loss of this precious vitamin.

Green light then to seasonal fruit and vegetables, better if eaten fresh and raw.

There are also different types of supplements containing Vitamin C, to be taken especially in periods of severe stress or tiredness or during the change of season. Naturally they are effective only if inserted in a context of complete and healthy nutrition, not if considered substitutes for a balanced diet, rich in nutrients and vitamins.

QWhat are the benefits of Vitamin C applied to cosmetics?

Vitamin C, known as Ascorbic Acid, is a powerful antioxidant used in the cosmetic field for its ability to counteract the effects of skin aging, both intrinsic and extrinsic. This ability is attributable to the marked antioxidant and photoprotective properties of Ascorbic Acid.

Vitamin C is present on the skin in very low quantities. Among its innumerable functions, that of skin lightening stands out, by virtue of its inhibitory activity against the synthesis of tyrosine, a precursor molecule of melanin. Its anti-inflammatory properties are also known, especially in cases of rashes from prolonged exposure to the sun.

In combating the effects of aging, vitamin C also intervenes at another level: sagging skin. In fact, it plays a key role in maintaining optimal collagen density in the dermis: biochemical studies have shown that it acts as a co-factor for lysine and proline hydroxylase, two essential enzymes in collagen biosynthesis.

Here are some of our products containing Vitamin C:

- Multivitamin extract


- Multivitamin Firming and Revitalizing Cream

- Anti-Aging Solar Nourishment